The Gut Reboot

If you’re not quite ready for the commitment of 1:1 coaching, The Gut Reboot is for you. It is a total of two sessions and a comprehensive stool analysis. This will help give you the answers you have been searching for. No more googling or following the latest trends on the internet.

This takes a deep dive into your gut microbiome and what is happening inside your gut. The stool test will show us if there are any pathogens, bacterial overgrowths, H. Pylori, poor digestion, low gut immunity, and more.

You will walk away with a clear understanding of what to do next with a 100% personalized plan. The Gut Reboot will give you the answers and the guidance you need to start feeling better.

What’s Included:

  • Let’s get to know each other and the symptoms you are having.

  • At home, GI MAP stool test kit, shipped directly to you.

  • We’ll review your results and have a clearer picture of root causes.

  • Detailed plan and protocol, 100% personalized to you.

The GI MAP Stool Test is for you if you have:

  • Autoimmune diseases 

  • IBS or IBD

  • Digestive complaints: constipation or diarrhea

  • Brain fog or fatigue 

  • Skin problems, like acne or psoriasis 

  • Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety

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7 Daily Habits That Will Improve Your Gut Health

Learn what you can do right now to support a healthy gut. These are tips you can incorporate into your daily routines. Start today!